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For Parents & Carers


I hope that the tables below make our means of communication during ‘normal’ times clear.

Home-school Communication, 9.22 >

Parents: Who do I contact and how?


Who to contact and how

General information


Specific information and questions relating to:

·         lunches

·         urgent messages

·         breakfast and after-school club

·         extra-curricular clubs

·         questions about events and school dates

Contact Julie or Lin in the school office.


·         The school website has lots of information and may answer your question.

·         Face-to-face with Julie or Lin at the hatch.

·         Telephone: 01263 577349. You can leave a message, if your call is unanswered. We check messages regularly during the day from 8am.

·         Email: Emails are checked regularly throughout the day, but not always before the start of school. We aim to respond to all emails during office hours within one working day.

Changes to pick up arrangements

Please contact the school office using one of the methods above.


Please contact the school office via the ParentMail app or leave a message on the school answer phone.

Absence requests, including holidays in term time

Complete a request for pupil absence form. Holidays in term time will only be authorised in exceptional circumstances and may result in a Fixed Penalty Notice.

Anything to do with school lunches

Lin sends out the form on Parent Mail to book school dinners on the Friday a full week ahead. This form must be returned by the following Wednesday.


If you cannot remember what you have ordered, please contact the office to check.


If you order a school dinner, but send your child in with a packed lunch, we will charge you for the dinner irrespective of whether you qualify for Free School Meals or Universal Free School Meals.

Medical conditions, dietary needs and medication

Please contact the school office for notification of medical conditions, dietary needs, changes to medical conditions and requests for school to administer medication.


You can make payments by Parent Mail or in cash to the office.

Questions about the curriculum, newsletters, nursery and after- school club fees.

The school website


The website is regularly updated and has links to past newsletters, terms-on-a-page, other curriculum documents, nursery and after-school club times and costs and lots of other information.

Specific information and questions relating to your child’s education and welfare (nursery- year 6). This includes questions about school visits and specific incidents.

Please contact your child’s class teacher. If there is a longer- term problem, please speak to the Headteacher.


You can contact your child’s teacher:


·         Face-to-face with your child’s teacher at the beginning and end of the day.

·         If it is urgent or if you need a longer or private discussion, please telephone the school office and Julie or Lin will ask your class teacher to call you back.

·         Email your child’s teacher.



Teachers aim to respond to emails within one working day during normal office hours. Please do not expect teachers to reply during the evening, at weekends or during the school holidays.

My child is in nursery or reception and I want to share significant milestones that have happened at home.


Please share on Tapestry. We love to see these milestones. Please do not use Tapestry for any other use.

Special Educational Needs and Children’s Mental Health

For SEND and children’s mental health, your child’s classteacher is the first point of contact.

The SENDCO is Mrs Karen Nice. Her email address is

The Mental Health Lead is Emily Motts-Burden. Her email address is

Both can be contacted face-to-face at school, by telephone or email.

A safeguarding concern

Our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Mr Goodliffe The Deputy DSLs are Karen Nice (, Emily Motts-Burden ( and Alison Nahajski (

Full contact details for all members of the team or what to do if you are worried that a child is at immediate risk of harm are available on our safeguarding page.

School: How does school communicate with parents?



Who is responsible


Day-to-day conversations with parents regarding children’s health and welfare,

progress and attainment, behaviour etc.

Class Teachers, Teaching Assistants, Senior MSA.

·         Face-to-face at the beginning or end of the day.

·         Telephone or email

·         Arranging a special appointment

General information and notices

The school office

·         General information and notices will be published in regular newsletters through ParentMail.

·         There is a Newsletters section in ‘Parents’ on the school website, where you can find pdfs of past newsletters.

Specific notices and letters to parents

The school office

·         All letters are sent via ParentMail. When we require a response, this will be as a form.

Trips and events

The school office for whole school events


Class teachers for class events

·         Letter via ParentMail with details. Parents to return permission form for out-of-school-hours events.

Reporting class news and events, celebrating success.

Class teachers

·         Celebration Assembly

·         Regular posts on the school blog.

Safeguarding concerns

Designated Safeguarding Lead or Deputy

·         Face-to-face

·         Telephone

Information about children in Early Years’ progress and attainment

Class teacher, Nursery Leader, Teaching Assistants

·         ‘Focus child’ meetings with parents once a term. This will include focussed observations recorded on Tapestry by school and home in the week prior to the meeting.



·         Other observations of ‘significant moments’ will be recorded as and when they happen.

·         Foundation Stage Profile and end of year report in July.

Information about the progress and attainment of children in Key Stages 1 and 2 (years 1- 6)

Head teacher Class teachers

·         Parent- Teacher Consultations.

·         Annual Report to Parents in July.

·         Mini-report prior to the December Parent- Teacher Consultation.

Information about the progress and attainment of children with SEND or

Pupil Premium entitlement.


Head teacher

·         Parents are offered a consultation each term.


Our Schools

Synergy Multi-Academy Trust comprises fifteen Norfolk schools serving children between the ages of 2 and 18. Our schools work collaboratively together to raise standards and provide education of the highest possible standard, offering the best of opportunities for pupils. The Trust was initially established in 2015. We believe that all of our schools have strengths and areas to develop, and that all can improve through sharing expertise and wisdom. The Trust understands that there will be excellent practice in each school, and that every school will be able to contribute to the development of the Trust as a whole.

Our Schools

Synergy Multi-Academy Trust comprises fifteen Norfolk schools serving children between the ages of 2 and 18. Our schools work collaboratively together to raise standards and provide education of the highest possible standard, offering the best of opportunities for pupils. The Trust was initially established in 2015. We believe that all of our schools have strengths and areas to develop, and that all can improve through sharing expertise and wisdom. The Trust understands that there will be excellent practice in each school, and that every school will be able to contribute to the development of the Trust as a whole.